CBS News

Find Out If You Have Unclaimed $$$$!

Friday, May 21,1999 - 05:19 PM ET

(WCBS) Andrew and Steven Deitch are a pair of Long Island cousins who created "FreewebCentral" -- the largest and hottest Web site for free information.

"It's not only a 100 percent free site," Deitch says, "but you combine the best of the Internet all in one spot." Indeed, at Free Web Central, you can access information from 50 different categories -- amusement parks, medical advice, stocks, and taxes. You can track packages, get information on dating services and horoscopes.

But as Cooley reported, the most popular category of all is UNCLAIMED ASSETS.

Claiming Your Assets -- It's Easy

"All you have to do is type in your last name," Andrew Deitch said.

Sometimes you fail. Lisa checked her name and it came up empty. But for others, like Andrew Deitch, it can be a goldmine. He found three thousand dollars in unclaimed assets from a long deceased Aunt. "It turned out to be from dividends," he said. "It was an absolute shock."


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To find out if you have unclaimed assets waiting for you, visit FreewebCentral



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